The art of walking upright Is the art of using both feet... One is for holding on The other is for letting go...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Clavicals, Velos and summer in Massif Central

On return from England I went to the doctor for an xray and consulation. Good news is that the bone is healing well. Its still achy at times but I can move it a bit more and dont require a sling. Also, while the doctor said that I shouldn’t do anything that would cause trama to my clavical (he suggested no rugby haha) I’m able to ride my bike again !

So, I’ve started getting out on my bike again, although am fairly unfit and out of condition since the accident. Summer has definitely come to France so its generally a ride in the morning, and staying indoors out of the sun in the afternoons…. Ca c’est chaud ! Still, Tour de France is coming, and its in the afternoons, so I’ll be quite content staying cool on the couch and watching le grande boucle…. What a difference it makes watching the football and cycling during the day rather than early in the morning in NZ !


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