The art of walking upright Is the art of using both feet... One is for holding on The other is for letting go...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

wan smol update nomo

Hi there

sorry its been all quiet on the west pacific front... after an epic two week mission to Pentecost and continued work dramas the following week, I'm still in the process of composing accounts of the trip.

So a small update:
Brandon (cussy bro) went back to the States on Sunday... civilisation calls!!! (I think I am far to used to Vanuatu!)
Christmas has come to Santo, and with it, a soccer tournament to organise for ol pikinini.
Also, the rainy season has officially started, with torrential downpours, fulup humidity mo hot. At least there's plenty of mangoes, pineapples, passionfruit and watermelon in the market.

Will hopefully have a few tales posted soon.

lukum yu


Blogger Brandon said...

My reverse culture shock is over and my readjustment to good ol' American society is complete as of yesterday, I'd say. I reckon you'll have about 1 day of reverse culture shock for every 10 you're over there. Good luck!

3:08 pm

Blogger Tom said...

Oh good, you're still alive. Sounds like you're having fun over there - can you pick me up an afro comb on your way home? Ta.

10:18 am


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